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Garbage collection taking longer than the normal to finish


Level 4

Hi All,


When we are trying to schedule a garbage collector job for every week during the week end it's taking almost 22-23 hours to finish the job.


We have been using s3 connector to store the content.


Below are the errors from the logs that i have noted.


12.09.2021 13:00:00.063 *INFO* [sling-oak-observation-15] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.blob.cloud.s3.S3Backend getRecord:Identifier [6c0a68bb82c7ef943da8c1232b85e17923aa222892a8064fa7c46be8e455bdc9] not found. Took [9] ms.
12.09.2021 13:00:00.063 *WARN* [sling-oak-observation-15] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.blob.MarkSweepGarbageCollector Error occurred while deleting blob with id [6c0a68bb82c7ef943da8c1232b85e17923aa222892a8064fa7c46be8e455bdc9#345892]
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.data.DataStoreException: com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.AmazonS3Exception: Not Found (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 404; Error Code: 404 Not Found; Request ID: JNQTJXM2RKFGG35D; S3 Extended Request ID: GrTSGQTR2hb9r/tfzPxrC+7jyIAV/WB5SXO6fmc8MAiYGDRyVBazi8EU1mO6NoQN6Dc4p9e+Nj8=), S3 Extended Request ID: GrTSGQTR2hb9r/tfzPxrC+7jyIAV/WB5SXO6fmc8MAiYGDRyVBazi8EU1mO6NoQN6Dc4p9e+Nj8=


Also i have tried to find the above blob id's in s3 bucker and repository but am unable to find the particular blob id.

Please check and let me know the pointers.

11 Replies


Level 10

Hi @santhoshm687661,

Could you please let know the AEM version and Oak version


Community Advisor

Hi @santhoshm687661  - Please let us know the below:

1. AEM repository size ? why its taking 22-23 hours to complete the job ?

2. How are we performing the data store garbage collection - Maintenance operation window or JMX Console ?


Level 4

aem version 6.5.8

oak version 1.22.4



Level 4

working on maintenance operation window because when we run through jmx console we are seeing the errors mentioned in forum ticket description



Community Advisor

@santhoshm687661 - Does it take 20hrs+ When you are performing via maintenance window ?


Level 4


Community Advisor

@santhoshm687661 Your AEM repository size ?


Level 4

@Raja-Karuppsamy It will be round 300 GB


Community Advisor


1.Perform the offline compaction - calculate the repo size

2.Perform the datastore garbage collection - calculate the repo size


Please raise a Adobe support case if you face the same issue again.


Level 4

@Raja-Karuppsamy This all steps i have did bro

Please let me know if there is any other alternate options.


Community Advisor

@santhoshm687661 Better raise a Adobe support case and please post the solution if they have provided.