The official docs has no information on editable templates at all. I find it really weird that the email templates have this weird templating structure, why isn't It supporting editable templates out of the box as it does for the site pages? This is the forum section for AEM right, seems like this is the appropriate part of the forum to get a response as ACS has no direct influence on this issue.
According to it seems like classic UI is being forced on my page:
Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
EDIT: I found the bundle/jar where the code is forcing me to use classic UI:
if ("html".equals(slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getExtension()) && resource.adaptTo(Page.class) != null && path.startsWith("/content/campaigns")) {
Resource content = resource.getChild("jcr:content");
List<String> excludeClassicUITypes = Arrays.asList("wcm/designimporter/components/importerpage", "cq/personalization/components/teaserpage", "cq/personalization/components/offerproxy", "mcm/campaign/components/newsletter", "mcm/campaign/components/campaign_newsletterpage", "mcm/campaign/components/profile");
boolean forceClassic = true;
Iterator var13 = excludeClassicUITypes.iterator();
This code is far from optimal in my opinion, what is the suggested fix, should I create a service with a lower ranking?