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ExternalLoginModule No IDP found with name


Level 2

Hi All,


 Need help on the following issue. Thanks in advance.

We have developed 2 OSGI bundles Custom Authentication Handler and Custom Identity Provider and configured OOB External Login Module and Sync Handler. When we start the instance we are seeing the following error:

*ERROR* [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.security.authentication.external.impl.ExternalLoginModule No IDP found with name TestRESTidp. Will not be used for login.

Looks like ExternalLoginModule is starting before Custom Identity Provider (TestRESTidp). Since I couldn't modify the start level of ExternalLoginModule I tried to keep the start level of Custom Identity Provider bundle to 1 and even 0 but still ExternalLoginModule is starting before CustomIdentityProvider.  
Also because of this error looks like custom AuthenticationHandler is not calling the login method of ExternalLoginModule and instead calling default login method and control is going to authenticationSucceeded method without authenticating the User.

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