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Expose aem assets as a service


Level 1

We have a use case in our project where we need to create an aem asset repository. This would cater assets to multiple other enterprise projects. We are using aem6.4. Please suggest means in which we can achieve this scenario.

We have tried creating Content Fragments, to expose the contents. But we could only get the json from the page created with the content fragment, and not from the fragment directly. But if we are using aem assets, is there a way to generate json for the content fragment directly.

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor


You need to setup Content fragments service as mentioned below

Adobe Experience Manager Help | Set up Content Fragments and Content Services in AEM

Did you try with json extenstion to expose content fragments like


Arun Patidar

View solution in original post

6 Replies


Level 1

Hi Arun,

In the aem 6.4 jar, the package "com.adobe.cq.caas.impl.feature.ContentServicesFeatureFlag", is not present, so as to enable the content service. As per the adobe documentation, aem 6.4 supports content services without any other feature packages. Would appreciate some advice on this.


Level 2
Hi, I am also facing similar issue where the com.adobe.cq.caas.impl.feature.ContentServicesFeatureFlag configuration entry itself is not available on my AEM 6.4 instance. Any pointers?


Correct answer by
Community Advisor


You need to setup Content fragments service as mentioned below

Adobe Experience Manager Help | Set up Content Fragments and Content Services in AEM

Did you try with json extenstion to expose content fragments like


Arun Patidar


Level 1

Tried this http://localhost:4504/content/dam/we-retail/en/experiences/arctic-surfing-in-lofoten/arcti c-surfing-in-lofoten.infinity.json

and it worked!!.

Had already set up content fragments as the adobe document.


Level 3

If its AEM 6.4, content service is enabled by default. And for AEM 6.3 you have to enable the service. The ideal case is to use content fragment models as opposed to templates. And in both scenario's the easiest and reliable way you can access the CFs content in json format is using below URL -


Remember these CFs are created using CF model not template. You can replace master.json with any variation name you may have created for that CF.

Also, those who want to enable access to CFs through Dispatcher you have to make some filter and cache rule changes. Make sure you have some strict regex to accept only required URLs.

I would not use .infinity.json.