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Export packages are missing in Manifest.MF Header


Level 4

Hi Everyone - I am using maven-bundle-plugin artifact in the core module. The issue I am facing is sling model not available, I found that Export Package header in the bundle MANIFEST.MF section is empty which causes the issues with the sling models.

I have also tried with "bnd-maven-plugin" artifactId and removed the VERSIONED filter from -exportcontents but it is still not generating. I have already tried with updating the Manifest.MF manually and it worked, so the issue is only related to Export Package header. Can someone suggest on this issue?


<!--<Embed-Dependency>org.apache.servicemix.bundles.aws-java-sdk, netty-all</Embed-Dependency>
--><!-- Import any version of javax.inject, to allow running on multiple
versions of AEM -->



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 10

Hi @s1101v,

Can you share the latest core/pom.xml(in particular, <build> tag details) and package structure of Java classes. 


View solution in original post

16 Replies


Community Advisor


Check you package is under Private-Package, in bundle manifest. If so add package info(package-info.java) to your package and see.


Level 4
@Anudeep_Garnepudi - I have already added the package-info in my package, I still don't see "Private-Package" section in the bundle. In order to make the model available, the package should be listed in the Private-Package section?


Community Advisor
It should not be in Private-Package, it should be in Export-Package


Level 4
@Anudeep_Garnepudi - There are two export package section in the bundle header. The one is “Exported Packages” at the top which is empty and another one says “Export-Package” which has the package details which is below Import Package section. Can you tell me what could be the issue even though we have the package-info in all the sub packages.


Community Advisor
@s1101v Could you share Manifest Headers as well.


Correct answer by
Level 10

Hi @s1101v,

Can you share the latest core/pom.xml(in particular, <build> tag details) and package structure of Java classes. 



Level 4
@Vijayalakshmi_S - PFB Package Structure: com.company.aem.xyz.core.models -> (Models & Interface) <build> <plugins> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.sling</groupId> <artifactId>sling-maven-plugin</artifactId> </plugin> <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId> <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId> <extensions>true</extensions> <configuration> <instructions> <Export-Package> com.company.aem.xyz.core.* </Export-Package> <Bundle-SymbolicName>com.company.aem.xyz.core</Bundle-SymbolicName> <Import-Package>javax.inject;version=0.0.0,*</Import-Package> <Sling-Model-Packages> com.company.aem.xyz.core.models </Sling-Model-Packages> </instructions> </configuration> </plugin> <build>


Level 10
Thanks for sharing the details. Can you remove <Export-Package> and <Bundle-SymbolicName> entry from instructions and lets leave it to handle with defaults and observe the behavior.


Level 4
@Vijayalakshmi_S - I am getting the same error after I remove the <Export-Package> and <Bundle-SymbolicName>. org.apache.sling.api.SlingException: Cannot get DefaultSlingScript: Compilation errors in org/apache/sling/scripting/sightly/apps/project/components/structure/page/page_html.java: Line 46, column 2099 : com.company.aem.xyz.core.models.TestPage cannot be resolved to a type


Level 10

Okie. Given that Sling model is not recognized per the error message, the way the package name/structure is defined inside core module for models family matters. Can you confirm the list of classes/models that resides under com.company.aem.xyz.core.models


Level 4
@Vijayalakshmi_S - Under this package - com.company.aem.xyz.core.models, I have kept only the models and their interfaces used in the model.


Level 10

Can you retain only the interfaces in com.company.aem.xyz.core.models and move the model implementation to something like com.company.aem.xyz.core.internal.model.impl and then,

1. Execute as is or 

2. Remove <Sling-Model-Packages> and use Sling Models bnd plugin to scan the models. Details for the same as below

<_plugin>org.apache.sling.bnd.models.ModelsScannerPlugin</_plugin> within <instructions> tag and dependency information for this plugin within <dependencies> section of build definition.








Level 4
@Vijayalakshmi_S - I have tried with both approaches but the mode is not available and still getting the same error. I have verified in "system/console/status-adapters", I could see only one model which comes under "Available Adapters:" i.e used in the Base Page component. If I check the bundle Manifest Header, I could see all the packages listed in "Export-Package" section. Not sure if I am adding anything wrong here. Can you suggest what could be the issue at this point?


Level 10


For Sling Model to be recognized, we use either <Sling-Model-Packages> or Sling Model bnd plugin that I shared in my previous comment

Along with this, package structure that holds the model matters. 

If you have both satisfying correct, you should see your model in Sling Adapters console. 


Outside this, Export-Package definition will skip the implementation classes. Example if you would have this package -  com.company.aem.xyz.core.models in Export-Package entry in <instructions> and if files under this package are both interface and implementation, then this would not be part of Exported-Packages  (as you view the bundle in Felix console)


Also, I couldn't get your point - "If I check the bundle Manifest Header, I could see all the packages listed in "Export-Package" section" in your latest comment.


Level 4
@Vijayalakshmi_S - I was referred about this one. Please find below the Export-Package section: Export-Package: com.company.project.xyz.core.models; version="1.0"; uses:="com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models, org.apache.sling.api.resource", com.company.project.xyz.core.services; version="1.0", com.company.project.xyz.core.util; version="1.0"; uses:="com.day.cq.dam.api, com.company.project.xyz.core.models, org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple, org.apache.sling.api, org.apache.sling.api.resource", com.company.project.xyz.internal.impl.models; version="1.0"; uses:="com.adobe.cq.export.json, com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models, com.company.project.xyz.core.models, javax.annotation, org.apache.sling.api, org.apache.sling.api.resource, org.apache.sling.models.annotations"


Level 10

Try the following :

  • Have a backup of your project code base ->
  • With respect to models, have only one package named com.company.project.xyz.core.models and write direct model class inside it, say HelloWorldModel that is available as part of AEM Maven archetype project.
  • Remove all your project specific Model related interfaces and implementation.

In core/pom.xml file, let the <Sling-Model-Packages> be this - com.company.project.xyz.core.models or use Sling Model bnd plugin

You need not have explicit Export-Package entry in instructions.

Note : If any other classes are using your model, remove all trace of it. Example I see com.company.project.xyz.core.util is using your model.