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Hello Everyone,
I am working on Adobe target setup and export experience fragment to Target, I am on AEM 6.5.6.
Observed few issues:
1. If we create variation of XF as "live-copy" and export that to target, it removes original (previously already exported) fragment from Target and adds this new one.
Expectation was to treat this as a new variation in target so that old and new both can be used by authors.
2. I have correctly configured externalizer domain with something like "", but the links and clientlibs inclusion on Target side shows publisher URLs in offer HTML. It worked fine for a while on 6.5.3, not sure if SP-6 has introduced this issue.
Please let me know if anyone has faced similar issue.
Thanks in Advance !!
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Please check below documentation once. Also SP 7 is getting released tomorrow, you can install and try if the issue you are facing is due to Service Pack upgrade or not.
Please check below documentation once. Also SP 7 is getting released tomorrow, you can install and try if the issue you are facing is due to Service Pack upgrade or not.
Thanks @Bhuwan_B, I can wait for next release. But I am not sure if SP6 has caused #issue-2, I wanted to know if anyone else in the forum faced similar issue.
Also the #Issue-1 never worked as I expected, that seems OOTB. But still I wanted to make sure if I missed any configuration or anything else.
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