Hey everyone,I'm looking to incorporate a personalized checkbox into the link sharing user interface.At the moment, there's a traffic rule filter restricting access to the shared link based on a specific IP.Now, I need to introduce a checkbox that can deactivate this filter for a particular asset, e...
We are exploring on using Adobe Cloud Manager for our daily build but we have 1 jar which is not exist in public so we need to manually add to build.I have added jar in code base and reference in pom.xml as below but still build is getting failed.<dependency> <groupId>com.aem</groupId> <arti...
Hello everyone! I've encountered a minor issue. I've recently introduced a new property called "cookie settings" to all page properties. The intention behind this addition is to empower authors to independently create cookies at the page level, eliminating the need for hardcoding in our codebase. So...
Hi all, we are implementing the pageView tracking to analytics and wanted to use one of the event reported here: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/sites/integrations/analytics/collect-data-analytics.html?lang=en we have cmp:show and cmp:loaded, is there an event that ...
Hi Everyone, I am working to establish/integrate JDBC connection pool in AEM. Installed JDBC driverConfigured the Day Commons JDBC Connections Pool configuration.Created a simple OSGI service to initialize DataSource and reading connection from a util. I can get the connection from the connection p...
Hi Team In text component , we have enabled source edit. We are trying to add base64 encoded, data uri as image source. That is causing java.lang.StackOverflowError error in the page. I saw a similar issue mentioned here https://experienceleaguecommunities.adobe.com/t5/adobe-experience-mana...
We have request to execute online datastore consistency check on a weekly basis in server using AEM feature. And also need to share the missing blobs report to users mail. Please share if any input.
How to upload asset(image) from my local machine to aem /content/dam without writing custom servlet ,using OOB aem servlet to upload image file and want to give different properties to that image so that those properties will get added as metadata of that image. Can anyone suggest way to achieve thi...
We are upgrading our AEM 6.4.7 with jdk 8 instance to AEM 6.5.17 with jdk 11 and I am not able to resolve below dependancies. I dont see any of these import statements in our project. any help greatly appreicated. org.apache.xml.security,version=[2.2,3) -- Cannot be resolvedorg.apache.xml.security.e...