Hello, I am trying to create a AEM Maven archetype project. When I run the build it shows below error.\ I have also included my parent pom.xml related to this:- <plugin><groupId>com.github.eirslett</groupId><artifactId>frontend-maven-plugin</artifactId><version>${frontend-maven-plugin.version}</ve...
I have a Content Fragment model containing date and time fields, some with a valueType of calendar/datetime, some with a valueType of time. The model represents in-person events held at specific venues. Here's an example field definition, serialized to XML. This was created using the Content Fragmen...
We are trying to integrate ACDL with our AEM code base, with core components version 2.22.12. Since its an existing code base and hence as per the article https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/experience-manager-core-components/using/developing/data-layer/overview#events-components, we enabled ...
I have a requirement, There are multiple vendors ( around 100 and its increasing ) and each vendors a unique combinations of form fields should populate.Basically in the dispatcher the vendors are getting selected from dropdown and then based on each vendor the form fields will vary . These data ...
Hi Team, I do have a requirement in my current project which is based upon AEM 6.5.I have a page which generates some useful-info( uses clientlibs for style and layout ) after collecting inputs from end user.I want to add a button on that useful-info page for downloading that page content as a pdf f...
Hi I am trying to create a check box with few lines of txt in aem 6.5 dialog , but at the moment if I add a text in check box , then it is coming in a single line with the scroll bar , but I dont want the scroll bar, just have to show the txt in one shot. anyone tried this before.
We're currently using the OOTB asset selector that comes with Next Gen Dynamic Media and the image component. We want to customize this so that it shows us our folder structure, lets us selector other file types, etc. We are using Service Pack, so it looks like we would need to override or...
Hi Team, I need one guidance here where I have to limit the multifield, upto certain value and once that value is reached then the [ADD] button will get disable and throw pop-up that "limit exceed"Currently I am using JS where I am just restricting not to save the dialog, instead I have to show pop-...
Hi,We have a requirement to write Junits for Below code, can anyone please help us writing the code for junits for AEMAACSSample Code:import com.adobe.granite.asset.api.Asset;import com.adobe.granite.asset.api.AssetManager; public static Map<String, Asset> getListOfAllAssetsFromQBVideo(ResourceResol...