The error can have multiple reasons. to debug the issue we usually follow different steps. with the above error, you can follow the below steps -
i) Take a backup of the content.
ii) set up some project-specific error and debug logs.
iii) Go to the path - /content/xyz/en/productpage/jcr:content/root/container/container/{xz}/subscriptonList and look for resourceType and follow the path accordingly. and check if the component is available.
iv) let's say if the component is available but still you are getting the error, then try to delete the node since you already have a backup so don't worry about that. and check if you are getting the same type of error for different nodes.
v) If you are not getting any errors then try to create a fresh page and drag and drop the same component and re-author it to understand and narrow down the issue.
Please let me know if you find something with the above steps.
Thank you,