Hi all,
I'm a beginner for AEM and I'm currently following the the AEM Back-end Developer video training. In one of the lessons, when I try to deploy the maven project to the crx lite, I got an error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.0.2:compile (default-compile) on project company-core: Compilation failure [ERROR] C:Usersguanlun.muDesktopvideoTrainingcompanycompany-coresrcmainjavacomadobe rainingcoreCleanupServiceImpl.java:[44,65] error: cannot find symbol
The code I used was directly copy-pasted from the student file downloaded from the course so the code should be identical to the one in the video. But I got this error and the video person didn't, I'm wondering what this problem is and how to fix it. My guess is this may relate to some Maven version issue, but I'm not sure.