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Environment specific related to component dialog (wrong dialog been shown)


Level 2

We have a component /apps/xyz/components/content/general/list/list which has multiple versions say v1 to v3

the resourceSuperType on this node (/apps/xyz/components/content/general/list/list) points to the version say (xyz/components/content/general/list/v2/list). Suppose I change the value of this property to point to v3 version (xyz/components/content/general/list/v3/list).
In our DEV environment we can see dialog of v3 component, but same does not work in QA environment. In QA environment it is showing dialog of v2 component (enough though the resourceSuperType is pointing to v3 version).
This issue is only occurring in QA environment instead of showing v3 component dialog it still shows v2 component dialog (enough though we are pointing to v2 version).
Can this issue be related to some internal issue related to resouceSuperType or there are any other causes for this kind of environment specific issue.

7 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @rohitk81560102 

Is v3 component inheriting v2? If yes - I think the Sling Resource Merger is doing its job. In this case - try removing sling:resourceSuperType on v2 component to break the inheritance and check - this may give you the results you are seeking. 



Level 2

No v3 is not inheriting v2. When we are changing the version on /apps/xyz/components/content/general/list/list to point to v3 , html/htl changes are visible while authoring but dialog and design dialog it is still showing that of the v2 component.


Level 2

Checked and debugged further ns.editables object is returning config of v2 component instead of giving details of v3 version of component


Level 2

Check further cq data-config property is being populated with configuration details from v2 version instead of v3 version causing the issue. Any suggestions on how to resolve the issue?


Community Advisor


Can you check that if you have v3 in the QA, I meant if you have same core/super component ?

Arun Patidar


Employee Advisor

Hi @rohitk81560102 


Verify code on both dev and QA through crx/de check if you have v3 on QA ?


Hope this helps!!




Community Advisor


I agree to both @Bimmi_Soi  & @arunpatidar Kindly verify if everything is in place on QA as is on DEV eg. All Components, SP etc.