I am trying to develop sitemap scheduler with apache sling sitemap, I just added this configuration in config.publish like this
"scheduler.name": "My Daily Sitemap Scheduler",
"scheduler.expression": "0 0 2 1/1 * ? *",
"searchPath": "/content/dumysite"
I didnt add dispatcher configuration in filters.any, rewrite.rules, will sitemap works without dispatcher configuration.
HI @Vani1012 ,
Yes, you don't need to have any specific rules other than the re-write rules for the sitemap. No entry in filter is required. other than opening the .xml extension.
Also, you will need dispatcher entries only in case you are using a domain. For localhost you can test it without any dispatcher entry.
Hi Anish,
I am not having rewrite.rules in dispatcher,do I need to manually create that file.
No need if you are using your localhost. It will be only needed if you are using domain i.e. www.abc.com/xx/xx/xx.sitemap.xml
What is the url you are using to access the sitemap?
Hi @Anish-Sinha ,
I am using this url http://localhost:4504/content/dumysite/us.sitemap.xml
I am getting correct output, but when I tried at publish instance the page isnt even loading http://localhost:4503/content/dumysite/us.sitemap.xml
Us page is available at publish instance but us.sitemapxml isnt at all loading, PFA
Can you verify if "Generate sitemap" property is present on the publish node using crx/de in publish
Hi @Anish-Sinha ,
Can you please explain where Can I find Generate sitemap property on publish node
Actually sitemap.xml will generate at /var/sitemaps/content/<project-name>/<page>/sitemap.xml right,but for me the var folder also didnt generate at publish instance.
In page properties you check the "Generate sitemap" property in author and then replicate it. Make sure your property is stored on the page properties in publish crx/de. screenshot below.
Also, Please check the video in this article. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/sites/seo/sitemaps.html?lang=en
It explains about all the configuration you need to have in order to generate the sitemap.
Hi @Anish-Sinha ,
Yeah I checked that property in page properties, it is there in author as well as in publish instance , PFA
Try restarting the server post all the configurations and the check if it works.