Whenever I upload any pdf from one AEM to another, I am seeing pdf:title is being overridden by jcr:title . It seems some WF gets triggered that's copy the jcr:title value to dc:title. Is it something expected?
Steps to reproduce:-
Build a package containing pdf assets from 1 AEM env.
Redeploy the same package to the same or another environment
You will notice dc:title value is changed and it holds the same value that jcr:title holds and mu original dc:title value is the lost
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After adding value to dc:title property to a pdf file , if we run DAM Update Asset workflow on same pdf file then we will seeing dc:title value has been copied into jcr:title property.
I have tried on AEM 6.5.12 -
1. I have uploaded Overview Telefónica.pdf under /content/dam/we-retail/en/products and added pdf:Title and dc:title in one AEM 6.5.12 [source instance] instance
as shown below -
2. Then created a package with this file and uploaded and installed on another AEM 6.5.12 (target instance) and after installation I could see -
pdf:Title , dc:title and jcr:title in target AEM 6.5.12 instance . dc:title and jcr:title are having similar value.
After adding value to dc:title property to a pdf file , if we run DAM Update Asset workflow on same pdf file then we will seeing dc:title value has been copied into jcr:title property.
Hi @learningguy,
Assuming you do not have some customization in your code that are connected to pdf asset processing. The behavior you have described is most likely related to the way how com.day.cq.dam.handler.standard.pdf.PdfHandler is implemented.
This can be easily checked by disabling PdfHandler component. Below is a link to the Media Handler documentation, it contains list of all OOTB media handlers, guide how to disable media handler and example of custom media handler implementation.
In case OOTB behavior is not what you expecting, you could try to keep PdfHandler disabled and/or create custom PdfHandler implementation aligned with requirements you have to fulfill.