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Custom properties in Content Fragment Model


Level 2

Hi folks,
Please help me How to add a property in Data Types properties in Content Fragment Model?

Screen Shot 2018-06-15 at 10.56.54 AM.png

5 Replies


Employee Advisor


Do I understand you correctly, that you want to extend the "settings dialog" (don't know it's offical name right now) on the right hand sind (you marked it with a red box)? What kind kind of property do you want to add? And why you would do it is also an interesting question. :-)



Level 2

I added Disable field. The value of disabled field saved as "on/off" but I want to value of disabled save as "true/false".

Screen Shot 2018-06-15 at 1.09.14 PM.png


Employee Advisor

There's likely a way to achieve this, but if you change the value(s) of a predefined properties you might break this functionality.


Level 2

Yes, My requirement has a read-only field. I must custom it.

Screen Shot 2018-06-15 at 1.48.33 PM.png


Level 2

As far as I know the OOTB have the feature of required but no disable feature, did you add custom disablefield?