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Custom error text to display if the 'allowBlank' validation fails


Level 4

Hi ,


 I have a custom component which uses widgetsTextField and html5SmartImage . To have author mandatoryily enter values i m applying property 'allowBlank = false'  . This works fine . To have a custom message displayed when allowBlank validation fails , i'm using property 'blankText' with its value as my custom meesage . I referred it from the API (http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/5-5/widgets-api/)  . However i still see OOTB message as 'Verify the Values as Marked fields' . Any pointers of how i can override this to use my custom message ? When i use regex for some other fields like paths , the regex message absolutely works fine . Anything that i'm missing ?


Thanks in advance

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