Hi Team,
I have a custom Carousel Component inheriting from Core Carousel.
The carousel has slick slider implemented in it. The markup is minimally changed other than addition of a <div> container which has slick slider dependency.
class="${wcmmode.edit ? 'carousel__authoring' : ''} carousel__item-wrapper ${carousel.navigationIcon} ${carousel.navigatorsOverlapping} ${carousel.autoplay}"
data-slick='{"autoplay": ${carousel.autoplay}, "pauseOnHover": ${carousel.autopauseDisabled}}'
In HTML when I use the data-cmp-data-layer attribute for carousel and its items, the json is correctly generated -
However, when seen in the adobe.getState() The carousel items are shown as image nodes with parentId pointing to carousel.
Can you please help as to why the data-layer changes from carousel-item to image nodes with parentId pointing to carousel ?
@arunpatidar , @Ritesh_Mittal , @B_Sravan , @Mohit_KBansal , @Gaurav-Behl
Rohan Garg