we are facing CryptoException while decrypting the text in AEM 6.0 version. Actually one of our environment is having this issue. we dont have this issue in other environments. This issue is specific to only one environment. Literally we tried all the options.
Tried options:- Deleted /etc/key folder in publish server and restarted Adobe Granite Crypto Bundle and restarted pub server too. But nothing is helped and still facing the same error.
Below is complete error message
Caused by: com.adobe.granite.crypto.CryptoException: Cannot convert byte data
at com.adobe.granite.crypto.internal.CryptoSupportImpl.unprotect(CryptoSupportImpl.java:160)
at com.pearson.aem.aemcore.hybris.services.CommerceServiceImpl.getExternalUser(CommerceServiceImpl.java:326)
... 136 common frames omitted
Caused by: com.adobe.granite.crypto.CryptoException: Failed decrypting cipher text
at com.adobe.granite.crypto.internal.CryptoSupportImpl.decrypt(CryptoSupportImpl.java:96)
at com.adobe.granite.crypto.internal.CryptoSupportImpl.unprotect(CryptoSupportImpl.java:157)
... 137 common frames omitted
Caused by: com.rsa.jsafe.JSAFE_PaddingException: Invalid padding.
at com.rsa.jsafe.JSAFE_SymmetricCipher.decryptFinal(Unknown Source)
at com.adobe.granite.crypto.internal.jsafe.JSafeCryptoSupport.getPlainText(JSafeCryptoSupport.java:326)
at com.adobe.granite.crypto.internal.jsafe.JSafeCryptoSupport.getPlainText(JSafeCryptoSupport.java:308)
at com.adobe.granite.crypto.internal.CryptoSupportImpl.decrypt(CryptoSupportImpl.java:94)
... 138 common frames omitted
Is there any config which we should cross verify? Pls suggest
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Was this encrypted by the same publisher which is decrypting it?
If you have multiple publish, make sure those are using same keys.
Hi Edubey
This is not clustering environment. Encryption and decryption are happening in one pub servers.
Have you written custom code that performs encryption operations? Never seen this happen OOTB.
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I was talking to Support about this. As this is not a normal use case or even documented - there may be a bug somewhere. Please open a support ticket here.
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I'm seeing the same exception during package install for an OSGI xml config file containing an encrypted password.
I was seeing the same error during package install for an OSGI xml config file. Escape the curly braces for the package to install.