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crx/de redirection crx/de/index.jsp redirection happening with port


Level 2




1. dispatcher is configured to communicate port 6000 to communicate with author

2. when we type domain/crx/de in browser it is redirecting http://domain:6000/crx/de/index.jsp

how to resolve issue https://domain/crx/de/index.jsp which should happen


4 Replies


Level 2

currently i am building new environment in that i am facing this issue.


but in my old environment it is working fine with out ssl. 


this is also fine for me, http://domain/crx/de/index.jsp without port along with domain


Community Advisor

Hi @somayajulud5512 


I believe you must have a ALB (Application Load Balancer) where the SSL cert is installed and your domain is registered against the ALB address.


So here is how traffic flows:


www.domain.com/crx/de/index.jsp -> Request reaches ALB -> ALB will check the backend port which can be either configured as either a dispacher or an EC2 instance where the AEM is running.


You can check the configuration at the ALB to ensure the correct backend port is confgured and it will not redirect with port number.




Level 2

yes correct.


domain.com/crx/de -> alb with port 443 -> dispatcher listning on 443 -> forwarding to author alb on (443)what ever we give port here it is adding -> author aem is running on port 443

if instead of 443,some 6000 is configured in disptcher render that is coming

when checked in dispatcher log: response is coming like befow.

Thu Nov 11 14:17:18 2021] [D] [pid 5688] response.headers[Location] = "http://domain:443/crx/de/index.jsp"