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CQ5/AEM learning


Level 8

I interview a lot of certified AEM developers who are not able to answer some basic questions. Thought to share some basic questions which every AEM developer should be able to answer and have hands-on. https://cqsnippets.blogspot.com/2017/01/cq-interview-questions.html?_sm_au_=iVVW1MTF1jNqr6RM #DONTUSEDUMPSTOCRACKCERTIFICATIONS Happy learning

2 Replies


Level 3

Really good set of questions, cheers for that

Although, the last question 'How to use angular with AEM' might be quite... well, answered at least with multiple options


Community Advisor

Thanks Hemant for sharing the questions.

Also, adding link for AEM Assets Interview questions 

Aanchal Sikka