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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

CQ5.3 Renaming a page


Level 1


We are using CQ5.3 and have seen the same issue crop up a few times now when a user renames a page in CQ.

It results in old packages containing the original page, from years ago, being re-activated, therefore activating old content on the site. If the page exists in many packages, all of them are re-activated.

We can see the following event in the logs to indicate this is by design, and the same behaviour does not occur in our AEM6.2 instance so seems restricted to this older version. Has anyone seen this before and can help us with what we can advise the users here please, are they following the wrong process for renaming the page? Or is there some config we are missing to prevent this from happening again?

24.09.2018 15:17:47.454 *INFO* [xx.xx.x.xx [1537798641920] POST /bin/wcmcommand HTTP/1.1] com.day.cq.wcm.core.impl.commands.CopyMoveCommand re-activating moved resource /etc/packages/content/bla/2017/04/pkg_20170410161623429.zip -> /etc/packages/content/bla/2017/04/pkg_20170410161623429.zip

3 Replies


Employee Advisor

is this really CQ 5.3? (I ask because you also mention AEM 6.2 ... )

This behavior is rather unusal. And from what I see the name of the resource is the same, I don't see a move/rename. Can you please clarify?




Level 1

Yes, it is CQ5.3. I mention AEM6.2 to point out the same does not happen with that version.

We are also aware 5.3 is not supported and is very old.

However, maybe the community is aware of this issue in the dim and distant past and how to workaround it?


Employee Advisor

well, a lot of things have improved since CQ 5.3... I've seen quite a bit of strange behavior, but I never heard of this. Can you confirm, that the paths in the log message are correct? From me it seems they are both identical.
