AEM 6.5.17
We're having trouble where our project, Core AEM bundles and AEM is restarting when custom bundles are deployed on every deployment . We're not certain when this bug was introduced or how to solve it.
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Are there any dependencies between Custom Bundles and Core AEM bundles - check your pom.xml file dependencies
I have verified the pom.xml files and I did not see any core AEM bundles list in my pom.xml files.
By Core AEM bundles , did you mean Core Components Bundle !? Every time you install your project if there is core component dependency, those bundles also will be installed and your bundles refresh. Till then the site can go down. But if you give it sometime , it will install and will be back up and running.
No core component bundles, core bundles means OOTB bundles like below , I can see them in my custom bundle , importing bundles list,Yes site can go down is fine , here ask is why AEM is restarting each deployment.
adobe-aemds-core-bmc-orb (648)
adobe-aemfd-pdfg-core (716)
com.adobe.cq.gson (204) (404)
com.adobe.granite.osgi.wrapper.guava (98)
com.adobe.granite.poi (82)
com.adobe.livecycle.dsc.clientsdk.api (665)
com.adobe.stock.api (573)
msal4j (927)
org.apache.commons.commons-io (600)
org.apache.felix.http.jetty (51)
org.apache.jackrabbit.oak-segment-tar (121)
org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xstream (732) (529)
Hi @hari_krishnac22 ,
On each bundle deployment AEM takes time to resolve its dependencies and then activate the bundle.
Until then you would see a blank page, this shouldn't restart your AEM instance.
This is expected behavior.
Yes ,each bundle deployment AEM will take time to resolve the dependencies that is correct but in my case its shutting down the AEM instance each time, I can see the AEM start time here : http://localhost:4502/system/console/vmstat.
Here is my custom bundle information below , importing bundles list, why I can see the OOTB bundles list.
local host may have corrupted or some other issue - please check the error logs for more details.
is it happening with other instances also ? like DEV or QA or can you try with any other developer localhost or try with vanilla installation.
Yes , Have set up fresh local AEM installation , Yes its happening in all the environments like DEV, UAT, Stage, Prod. once we deployed the custom bundles AEM is restarting.
its happening in other developers machines also.
Can you please check the Build Logs and Error Logs for more details.
Maven build logs ?
in error logs check for the build start details, if there is any information on restart.
@hari_krishnac22 Did you find the suggestions from users helpful? Please let us know if more information is required. Otherwise, please mark the answer as correct for posterity. If you have found out solution yourself, please share it with the community.
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Hello Kautuk,
Still did not get any solution. More information is required on this.waiting for more inputs also.