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Convert Hex to RGB in AEM 6.5


Level 2

Dear All,


I am getting my hex color from dialog to Html by using below.



fieldDescription="Enter the Navigation component background color Hex code"
fieldLabel="Navigation Component Background Color Hex Code"



.sunitaNavigation .stickyNav {
background-color: rgb(${properties.navigationBackGroundColor @CONTEXT='styleString'});


<td class="mandatoryField">
<p style="background-color:${properties.navigationBackGroundColor @ context='scriptString'}">${properties.navigationBackGroundColor}</p>


Now in my css (already i called in HTL in above) , I want rgb like below.


.sunitaNavigation .stickyNav {
background-color: rgb(${properties.navigationBackGroundColor @CONTEXT='styleString'});


But my color is not coming in rgb..it is coming in hex only. Do I need to convert Hex to RGB ?


How can I achieve this ?


Please suggest.



1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor


You can try something like-

<style> .sunitaNavigation .stickyNav { background-color: rgb( ${properties.navigationBackGroundColor.substring(1, 3) @ context='styleString'} | ${properties.navigationBackGroundColor.substring(3, 5) @ context='styleString'} | ${properties.navigationBackGroundColor.substring(5, 7) @ context='styleString'} ); } </style>


or could write a function:

function hexToRgb(hex) {
    // Remove the '#' if it exists
    hex = hex.replace(/^#/, '');

    // Parse the r, g, b values
    let bigint = parseInt(hex, 16);
    let r = (bigint >> 16) & 255;
    let g = (bigint >>  & 255;
    let b = bigint & 255;

    return `rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})`;

View solution in original post

1 Reply


Correct answer by
Community Advisor


You can try something like-

<style> .sunitaNavigation .stickyNav { background-color: rgb( ${properties.navigationBackGroundColor.substring(1, 3) @ context='styleString'} | ${properties.navigationBackGroundColor.substring(3, 5) @ context='styleString'} | ${properties.navigationBackGroundColor.substring(5, 7) @ context='styleString'} ); } </style>


or could write a function:

function hexToRgb(hex) {
    // Remove the '#' if it exists
    hex = hex.replace(/^#/, '');

    // Parse the r, g, b values
    let bigint = parseInt(hex, 16);
    let r = (bigint >> 16) & 255;
    let g = (bigint >>  & 255;
    let b = bigint & 255;

    return `rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})`;