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Content Fragment multifield


Level 2

Hi in my project Adobe Experience Manager as Cloud Service,
We're creating content fragment models. Is it possible to have multifield with different field type within the cf?
Multifield Structure Example:






Thank you,


4 Antworten


Community Advisor


Level 10

Hi @SarahBo2,

in the old CF editor, it is possible with a custom multifield. However, I haven't yet seen a solution for it for the new CF editor. It looks like Adobe is moving away from this approach and suggests creating separate CFs for such use-cases.


Good luck,



Level 1

Hi @SarahBo2 ,

I recently faced a similar requirement in AEM as a Cloud Service, where I needed a multifield inside a Content Fragment Model (CFM) that included different field types.

Since CFMs don’t support a multifield-like structure natively, I found that the best way to achieve this is by using a Nested Content Fragment Model.


Adobe Champion

I'd agree with the others - nested CFs is generally the way to go and with the new CF editor view, navigating between them is much simpler than it used so be.


Sticking to standard field types is particularly important if you're accessing it via GraphQL as it understands how to putput standard content, but a custom multifield wouldn't be able to be output there.