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Content Fragment Model editor is showing empty when we create content fragment model from child configuration


Level 2

When we create child configuration under another configuration in configuration browser and enabled content fragment models option, I am able to create content fragment model. But model is not showing options to add fields by drag and drop. It is empty when we try to edit.

Same is working fine if we create content fragment model from normal configuration. This is working fine in 6.5 but not in 6.5.10 and 6.5.12. Please suggest.


Child configuration is allowed as part of this doc- https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/administering/introduction/configurati...

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

@rangavinod Please raise one Adobe Ticket and for a temporary solution (Its not as par Best practice as In general, the greyed-out area should not be overlaid/extended), overlay formbuilder.jsp (/libs/dam/cfm/models/editor/components/formbuilder/formbuilder.jsp) and at line 110, change String CONF_ROOT to "/conf.*". Let me know if that works, I tried that on AEM


View solution in original post

8 Replies


Community Advisor

Hi @rangavinod ,


It seems in the fragment configuration is not enabled for the folder in which you are trying to create the content fragment. That's why the model from the child configuration is now showing.


  1. Go to your asset 
  2. select your folder
  3. open that folder's properties
  4. select the cloud configuration tab.
  5. Now add your child configuration path here, As shown in the below screenshot.



Now your model will appear created in child configuration.



Level 2

I am talking about content fragment model editor not content fragment creation. Below screenshot for reference.image.png


Community Advisor

@rangavinod What error you are getting in your error log, can you check and update if it is throwing error related to model config is a non-existing resource ?


Level 2

Yes I am getting the same issue.  Based on your comment, I checked this document- https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-cloud-kcs/kbarticles/KA-19376.html?lang=en. But this will have impact on existing content fragments which are already created. As cq:model property in content fragment will have reference to old configuration. Any suggestions?


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

@rangavinod Please raise one Adobe Ticket and for a temporary solution (Its not as par Best practice as In general, the greyed-out area should not be overlaid/extended), overlay formbuilder.jsp (/libs/dam/cfm/models/editor/components/formbuilder/formbuilder.jsp) and at line 110, change String CONF_ROOT to "/conf.*". Let me know if that works, I tried that on AEM



Level 2

Thanks. This information helps. !!


Level 2

Even I am facing the same issue. What was the solution for it? Please suggest @rangavinod 


Level 2

@nibedita07  The issue is introduced by AEM service pack 10 and 12. The fix is part of Service Pack-13.