requirement is to when user click on publish, in rail.The page should be moved to workflow and then gets activated from there only if condition is met.
Tried listener which listens to event activation and trigger workflow. But it seems the page is already getting activated. Need help on this.
User already have access to publish assets/page.
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Hi @Abhijeet_Kumar ,
In such case, you should make use of AEM's OOTB Request for Activation or Request for Deactivation workflows. But first you need to manage ACLs of content authors and remove their publishing access. You can follow the following article to see how to trigger a customized workflow: AEM - Trigger customized workflow on manage publication. (
-Vikas Chaudhary
Hi @VikasChaudhary_ The requirement is not to remove ACLs and yet trigger workflow on click of publish.Is there any way to achieve this?
1.Create a workflow model that includes the necessary steps to validate the condition and activate the page if the condition is met. You can use the Workflow Modeler in AEM to create the workflow model.
2.Associate the workflow model with the page's blueprint or template. This can be done by adding the cq:workflowModel property to the blueprint or template node in the repository.
3.Create a custom event listener that listens for the beforeActivate event and triggers the workflow if the condition is met. Here's an example of how the listener code might look:
@Component(service = EventListener.class,
property = {
EventConstants.EVENT_TOPIC + "=" + ReplicationAction.EVENT_TOPIC
public class MyReplicationListener implements EventListener {
private WorkflowService workflowService;
public void handleEvent(Event event) {
ReplicationAction action = ReplicationAction.fromEvent(event);
if (action.getType() == ReplicationActionType.ACTIVATE) {
Resource resource = action.getPath();
if (resource != null && resource.adaptTo(Page.class) != null) {
Page page = resource.adaptTo(Page.class);
if (shouldTriggerWorkflow(page)) {
private boolean shouldTriggerWorkflow(Page page) {
// Check if the condition is met
return true;
private void triggerWorkflow(Page page) {
// Start the workflow
WorkflowData workflowData = new WorkflowData(page.getPath(), null);
WorkflowStartOptions options = new WorkflowStartOptions();
workflowService.startWorkflow(options, workflowData);
4.Deploy the listener code to your AEM instance and register it as an OSGi service.
5.When a user clicks the Publish button, the page will be moved to the workflow and the before Activate event will be triggered. If the condition is met, the workflow will be started and the page will be activated from the workflow. If the condition is not met, the page will remain in the workflow and will not be activated.
I am looking for the event which is triggered before Activate. replicationAction event is triggered post replication of assets.
Hi @Abhijeet_Kumar
You can add a new button e.g.' content publish' and trigger a custom workflow.
we need to add this on same button.