Hi All,
I am trying to oob basic setup between Site Experience Manager to Asset Experience Manager using Connected Assets in 6.5 environment.
In the below screen for remote i created a new user remotedamuser in asset instance and provided author access as defined in https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/assets/using/use-assets-across-connect...
and for local user i had created a sites user "siteauthor" with author and dam user access as mentioned in above adobe site.
When i test connection its failing. Whereas when i change the remote user access with administrator it works.I tried adding even "dam user" group for remote user"remotedamauthor" but still same issue only when i add administrator group to this user it works.
Please suggest does the remote asset user need to be part of administrator group?
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Hi @rajaram33, I am not sure if you are using any SP on your AEM 6.5. I did some tests on AEM 6.5 with SP10, and I have following observation that I hope will help you. In general the key part for the user you are using, is to make sure that he has jcr:read and jcr:write permission to root / location of the repository. I've prepared simple group with read only access to main folder (apps, content, libs) and with jcr:write permission to /, and it works.
Please have a look on below screen shot that shows details of my group under /useradmin view.
The column name is a bit misleading as it said Delete however it is connect with jcr:write permission.
Looking on the OOTB AEM group probably only administrators group has more privileges to / location, this is why it also works for administrators group members. But in general if you will follow above rule you should be able to successfully use other group not only administrators.
Hi @rajaram33, I am not sure if you are using any SP on your AEM 6.5. I did some tests on AEM 6.5 with SP10, and I have following observation that I hope will help you. In general the key part for the user you are using, is to make sure that he has jcr:read and jcr:write permission to root / location of the repository. I've prepared simple group with read only access to main folder (apps, content, libs) and with jcr:write permission to /, and it works.
Please have a look on below screen shot that shows details of my group under /useradmin view.
The column name is a bit misleading as it said Delete however it is connect with jcr:write permission.
Looking on the OOTB AEM group probably only administrators group has more privileges to / location, this is why it also works for administrators group members. But in general if you will follow above rule you should be able to successfully use other group not only administrators.
Hi @lukasz-m I hope this is a bug with permissions. I am using 6.5.9 version even when we allocate dam user group connected asset test is failing.In addition to dam user only when we provide modify permission on Lib /dam folder it works. As shown below
yes, these are technical users for connection should be part of admin group.
Hi @arunpatidar i had tried the same as mentioned in the document(i had stated the same in my above thread) .If you observe in this link they had asked to add remote user to author group.I dont see anything other than that for remote dam instance. It doesnt works with that unless we add modify for /libs/dam permission.
There will be 2 admin users on
1. AEM sites
2. Remote DAM
Sites administrator | Local | Experience Manager administrators | admin | Set up Experience Manager and configure integration with the remote Assets deployment. |
Assets administrator | Remote | Experience Manager administrators | admin on remote Experience Manager | Configure Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). |
I would suggest to use both admin user for connection