We have text component (using RTE) for which we have defined content policies(Features, Special Characters, Paragraph etc.)
Whenever we are doing any authoring changes in Page using a Template mapped with this RTE content policy.
The RTE Content policy is getting reset and whatever changes we are doing are not persisting.
Could you please guide what can be the issue.
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I have tried to replicate the issue on AEM 6.5.9 with we.retail text component but after authoring also RTE is able to retain it's component policy.
Did you check persisted policy details in CRXDE something like /conf/we-retail/settings/wcm/policies/weretail/components/content/text/policy_1648910279238?
Please let me know AEM version. Could you please check the behavior with we.retail text component.
This is happening in AEM v6.5 Service Pack 6.5.6-1.0. I tried with We retail text component, there the issue is not coming.
Have you written any listener that performs any specific operation after edit?
You would need to push this through the code. When creating a policy and assigning it by default to a component, there are 2 things which needs to be done:
1. Creation of policy in policy.xml file.
2. Addition of the policy to the component by default in the policy.xml of the template in which you need this.
CRX path of the same: /conf/<project-name>/settings/wcm/<template>/policy
Thank you