If publish instance(4503) have all the published content from auther instance(4502) then why there is option of create site asset on publish instance?
I have created this readMe file on publish instance and able to do so ?
Also if we are able to create the content on publish then how to differentiate the content which is published from auther and which is created onn publish ?
Is there any way?
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Author/Publisher both are AEM instances, started with different special run modes (author, publish) to differentiate their purpose.
For me, as an author writes, a publisher gets those writings out where people can read them.
AEM Instance started with publish run mode restricts several capabilities which author can do, like workflow. In a real setup, we do not grant direct access to publish environments to anyone (be it author/users). So all content authoring is done in author mode, and the website is rendered by publishers via the dispatcher.
Thanks for the info
So based on this can we say we can not able to create any page, site or asset on publish instance?
It's partially true, You are not restricted by the system to create content directly on the publisher, let's take an example that you have a scheduler that reads data from some API and creates page/content fragment/experience fragments using data received in API response. or you receive comments from users and save them on the publisher.
Ideally, we do not allow any manual content creation on publishers directly and restrict access.
ok understood. Thnaks
so for the if the content is created on publish in rare case then is there any differetiator to differentiate replicated content from auther and newly created content on publish?
I have not tried it personally, but you can add additional properties, programmatically, to make difference.
Just to be clear, The Publish instance is used to make the designed application available to the public and is located in a demilitarized zone.
so Publisher has its own funtionality and purpose. Please refer to below URL for more details
The publish instance of AEM is where the published content resides. It is where the dispatchers pull content to display to the user. The publish instance receives content from the author instance when an author has activated some content.
>Publish instances are similar to author instances other than the actual authoring capability. All the same tools used on the author instance are available on the publish instance but are generally not used.
>If there is need to look at content in the JCR of the publish instance, you can navigate to CRXDE directly (crx/de/index.jsp) and log in there to gain access to all the other tools.
Also, similar to author instances, code needs to be built to the publishers directly as well so that the user facing site has access to it. This is generally done via Jenkins and there will be specific Jenkins jobs associated with the publishers. It’s exactly the same process as building code to an author instance, just the destination is different.