Hi, I created a new application with SPA + commerce using latest Archetype 39 for AEMasCS latest version. But I'm unable to edit the experience fragment and all left side toggles are missing while opening experience fragment. can you please help on this?
<publish granite:title="Publish Page" jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" sling:resourceType="granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/button" text="Stage Page" </publish? We have a requirement to change the tooltip to match the text. Is it possible to change without editing the tit...
Hi All, I am trying to create AEM SPA with React following this tutorial https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-with-aem-headless/spa-editor/react/create-project.html?lang=en. The project created using maven archetype 39, unable to build, fails during "npm r...
In my company business teams want to know if CF can be used for Email templates. Any integration can be done for this use case? For example, creating Email templates in AEM using Content Fragments, then export them to Adobe Marketo or Adobe Campaign?
Hello, I am starting to learn about AEM headless and grapql features and I watched the video about Persisted queries. I was a bit surprised to see that this tutorial shows how to manage that feature via Postman HTTP request to AEM. This seems to be a really great feature that brings a lot of value...
I am working on AEM and SPA, here I want to use Assets REST API but want to know how I can secure our Assets REST API. how we can configure OAuth with Assets REST API? If there is any suggestion/example it will really helpful.
I have a query like this: type=nt:unstructuredpath=/content/dam/articlesnodename=mastergroup.p.or=truegroup.1_property=titlegroup.1_property.value=%articlegroup.1_property.operation=like ... for group's `1_property` I want to search without case senstivity, how can I achieve the same? I am on AEM 6....
I want to fetch path of a given node only and here's my query: type=nt:unstructuredpath=/content/dam/wknd-shared/en/adventuresnodename=masterp.hits=selectivep.properties=tripLength path However this is what I get: { "success": true, "results": 10, "total": 16, "more": false, "offset": 0,...
I'm getting 404 Error when I try to access http://localhost:4502/content/graphiql.html AEM Version: 6.5.13 CSRF Filter checked I don't see GraphQL and GraphQL Query Editor tiles and tools: I see GraphQL Endpoints under tools/assets
graphiQL Tool not found on AEM Tried manually download the GraphiQL Content Package v0.0.6 from AEM as a Cloud Service downloads, and installed the package. Still doesn't seem to have graphiQL tool on AEM?