Dear All, We have implemented Multifield component along with Model using Resource.But we are getting null pointer exception when we are trying to get use Resource object. Core Class:import;import;@Model(adaptables = {R...
Hello, I am trying to create a AEM Maven archetype project named aem-magazine. When I run the build using IntelliJ it shows the below error. Can anyone help me with this ?? [ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.7.6:npm (npm install) on project aem-magazine.ui.fro...
In general AEM development we will try to include all components client libs into one client lib (using client libs embed property).With this approach we are loading all the css/js where components on a particular page may not be using all that css/js as we might have dragged and dropped few compone...
Hi All, I am having a hard time figuring out if it is possible to copy and paste a Experience Fragment Template into another folder. When I try to do so, I will get this error. In the example below I was trying to copy and paste a Header(Experience Fragment) from "us" to the site folder in "Language...
Hi,On AEM 6.5 SP 10 after upgrading it from 6.3 with in-place method from time to time I can see this type of WARN. The name of file changes *WARN* [oak-lucene-69522] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.index.lucene.IndexCopier File _11da_Lucene41_0.pos doesn't exist in PATH_TO_QUICKSTART/repository/...
Hello. I have a need to view the AEM 6.2 documentation for an older installation we have, so I found this site which describes how to download and install the docs:
How can I add a page thumbnail to appear in sharable link on Linkedin?My links appear with a different image that is not related to my pages.So please help me to know how can I show the image in the page in the preview of the social sharable link.
I want to have a checkbox checked by default on the page properties of a page created using editable template unless we go and uncheck it, and tried adding checked = {Boolean} true for the property,but this does not seem to be working for pages created from editable templates. The first time on open...
Hi All,Hope you are doing well.. I just installed AEM 6.5 on my MacBook Pro for testing purposes and to play around with this app. The first time I installed from scratch (6.5.0), everything was working fine but when I updated it to SP11 the component list disappeared. I didn't touch anything at con...
I have an event listener in which I am listening to a path as in the below screenshot using Observation Manger . How can I add multiple paths here , so that I can listen to multiple paths. I cannot add the root path, since I don't want to listen to the root path due to other project requirement cons...