For smartcrops, in image profiles under Responsive Image Crop we can set the width and height for different viewports, is there a way to set it by aspect radio than pixel based. The adobe version we are using in 6.5.11
Need a jcr sql2 query for acs commons report or query builder predicate to get the list of pages which don't have specific cq:tagsOur tags hierarchy :and the node structure is jcr:content/metadata/cq:tags Here i want all the pages which do not have dsc:device or dsc:keywords tags
Hi, can anyone demonstrate the use of env variable in cfg.json file by how can we change the value according to the different variables.with an example ,I have gone through the documentation but not able to follow up
so I have something like these: @AttributeDefinition( name = "Google URL", description = "", defaultValue = "", type = AttributeType.STRING) String googleURL() default ""; I want to change the value of the variable wh...
i am trying to apply a sling filter to filter requests coming to /content/cq:graphql/global/endpoint.json because I want to add few fields to the json response.But my filter is not getting invoked when I send a POST request to the graphql endpoint.anybody tried doing so?or any pointers?
As highlighted in the image , I need to write a Groovy Script to get a count of all the folder with the name "renditions" and as a secondary task, I need to delete content from all the such folders.Any help would be greatly appreciated,Thanks
Greetings to all! We want to create AEM site pages in bulk using an editable template. Is there an out-of-the-box way to do this?I'd appreciate any suggestions. version - AEMaaCSThanks,
Hi wonderful people, I have a custom post-processing workflow model which gets triggered by CustomDamWorkflowRunnerImpl.This gets triggered after AEM completes all of its internal asset compute processing. The first step in the workflow model is a GOTO process which calls a sling service to determin...
Followed this tutorial, I setup my local AEM. Is it possible to config MS office plug in in my local AEM? Thanks.