Hi There,I'm experiencing an issue in AEM with the SAML Aunthentication. It goes like this: We have a login page, Enable check under "Authentication Requirement" is enabled. We do have SAML configuration setup with the IDP. After the code is deployed, when we click on the Login button (pointing to /...
Hi All, I am using IDermisBridge in my service to use form data model operations in java code but after adding below code in service that service state becomes unsatisfied. I have tried several version of POM dependency to resolve this but it does not work. I am using aem 6.5.8 .@ReferenceIDermisBri...
Dear All, I want to use the ACS commons Broken link checker. Can anybody let me know how to use Link checker by using ACS Commons. Actually first time , I am using ACS commons. Thanks & RegardsHaritha
Hey Guys, I am currently updating my build to use java 11 and the build itself was a success, I had to change some dependencies to match java 11 release but the build was good at the end. But I got a problem when rendering pages that used JSP, I got an empty page and get an error in the logs, down b...
Can we create/upload files in any default/custom folder in /content like in -/content/rep:policy/content/campaigns/content/projects/content/experience-fragments/content/cq:tags/content/usergenerated/content/core-components-examples/content/launches/content/communities/content/sites/content/forms/con...
Working in AEM 6.4 and in process of migrating to 6.5, wondering if AEM supports multiple SAML implementations? And if so, can i also have multiple classes that extend AuthenticationInfoPostProcessor? I can't find anything in the docs about this. Any help would be great,
Hello all, I have created a component which should accept only page path through cq:dialog. When I select the page and click submit through dialog then it should print all the page properties like title, description& image or image url . Is it possible ?? Here is my component dialog:
Hi Team, We are trying to create an Experience fragments and expose the fragment static content in an e-mail template. Any tutorials to start with will be much appreciated.