Hi folks, I have an AEM 6.5 setup (1 author and 1 publisher) both with SP13 installed. I was following the instructions on https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/sites/seo/sitemaps.html . This involved changing the publisher's Apache Sling Sitemap - Sitemap Generator Man...
Hi all, Why everyone group has read permission to all the paths in publish instance? I can understand why permissions provided for anonymous groups as end user will anonymous and not authenticated. The Problem I am facing is, if I create a group with read access to particular content path in autho...
Hello All,We have got a critical bug and the error says as below logs -Scenario is :We have a custom workflow as emergency publishing WF which has step "Initiator Notification To Review in Preview Server" which should send the mail and it is indeed happening, mail is being sent and received as well....
I have a requirement to include the parsys and components into one component. The code we use to do in HTL is somewhat like <sly data-sly-resource="${'parsys' @ resourceType='project/compoennt/xyz'}"></sly> How can we achieve the same functionality using AEM SPA React
Can some one try implementing the below code mentioned for creationg jcr node through excel. I am getting some error. https://web.archive.org/web/20141011041731/http://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-custom-excel-service-experience.html I tried implementing I am getting an er...
Hi All, I came to a scenario where I need to create an anchor tag without href attribute using RTE component. I am able to create anchor tag using HTML option in RTE, but the thing is that anchor tag is getting skipped by tab index and never focused. Then I tried adding attribute tabindex=0 so tha...
When i try to use gated page it was redirecting properly but after adding below sling mapping configuration i am getting a warning and page is not redirecting to my login page. org.apache.sling.auth.core.AuthUtil isRedirectValid: Redirect target 'https://subdomain.company.com/registration-and-log...
How to exclude child path by using search query builder ? trying below query : I want to exclude chapter-5 path "/content/summit/l4080/chapter-5" path=/content/summit/l4080type=cq:Pagegroup.p.and=truegroup.1_fulltext=articlesp.offset=0p.limit=-1 any reference query?