Hallo an alle, Letzter versuch eine Laien, der es unbedingt wissen möchte Weiß zwar nicht ob ich richtig bin, doch ich versuche mal mein glück . Versuche immer wieder, mit LifeCycle Designer es4 erstelltes Formular mit dynamischen Textfelder ein E-Mail Button einzufügen das nach dem senden alle...
I have enabled basic auth from dispatcher for our dev and stage server.But its not caching content when basic auth is enabled. If I disable basic auth then it works. For basic auth I have added following code on dispatcher <Directory "${PUBLISH_DOCROOT}"> <If "req('Host') =~ /(dev|stage)\.example...
I have a Json response from SAP eCommerce. And for that I created a POJO class to map the keys and its values. Now when I'm referencing it into my servlet, I'm getting Unsatisfied (reference) error in system/console/components for that particular Reference. Can anyone provide clarity on why this i...
I'm trying to extend a component, but my new marquee.html updates aren't rendering on the page. The dialog updates are okay. Here's what I have: Parent component marquee > _cq_dialog > clientlibs _cq_editConfig.xml .content.xml marquee.html Child component marquee2 > _cq_dialog (All these updates a...
In Page properties I have added 2 text field and 1 multifield(textfield) For all these textfield I want one validation where it doesn't accept any symbols other than '-' and 'space'. How can I achieve this. What Js to be used.
I'm standing up a new database and migrating a site from database A to database B in AEM There are some architecture changes in the site, and I want to redirect as many dead pages in database A to substitute pages in database B for the first couple of months that database B is live. Is there a limit...
Hello. HTL cannot access my simple Java Sling Model. Here is my Sling Model sample. (Skipped the Interface because it is really simple.) @Model(adaptables = Resource.class, adapters = MyComponent.class) public class MyComponentImpl implements MyComponent{ @ValueMapValue(name = "fragmentPath"...