Hello All, I would like to purge the Akamai cache on Publish later from manage publication. From manage publication, publish now and publish later are pointing to same workflow. we have overlaid the manage publication, because of this overlay columnpreview scheduled page info is not showing in si...
I want to perform following actions in the Edit Toolbar: 1. Place Inplace editing (Edit- pencil icon) at the end of the toolbar 2. Change the Pencil icon to a image icon How do I achieve this? Thanks in advance (using AEM as a cloud service)
Hi, I would like to add a Publish Page button next to the Edit Button on top right side of the header in Edit mode of a page. Can this be achieved by overriding?
Is there a way to monitor the number of requests to an AEM instance? Maybe even count requests to specific assets? Preferably not via log row counting or any other cumbersome way... More specifically I am using the REST API for DAM if it makes a difference.
Hi All, When i am try to open editing text editor component in full screen view then dialog box is not coming in with full width . I want to do these 2 thing in text editor component. any chance to make these tool icons bigger in this view? For better usability by authors.could you increase (mainl...
I was trying to build the custom code in Cloud Service Environment getting below trace and unable to run sonar checks. Let me know if anyone had similar issue and any solutions helped? Error Trace- Unable to run check class com.adobe.platform.experience.selfservice.cqrules.checks.java.UnableToS...
I have few components which uses acs-commons/components/utilities/genericlist/datasource as resourceType for one of the field in cq:dialog. Now we are migrating from legacy AEM platform to AEM as cloud service. But BPA(Best Practice Analyzer ) is giving such components in report under Custom Coral...
Hi All, I am using AEM6.5 SP13 in Amazon AWS cloud. Requirement is to configure author over https Referred below link https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/foundation/security/use-the-ssl-wizard.html?lang=en#:~:text=Adobe%20Experience%20Manager's%20SSL%20setup,instance%2...