Hello, I am following Theming workflow in Quick site creating in https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-learn/getting-started-wknd-tutorial-develop/site-template/theming.html?lang=en. I am using local AEM instance and cloud environment for this. I don't see Site in dropdown in my...
Hi Everyone,I am using AEM Sites SDK and trying to convert a HTML string to PDF Binary which will be used to save the PDF in AZURE using an API.As part of converting HTML string to PDF binary I am trying to use iTextPDF library and added below dependency in core pom.xml <!-- https://mvnrepository.co...
Below is the error i am getting in CI/CD pipelin build Dispatcher configuration validation failed:conf.dispatcher.d/enabled_farms/default.farm:1: extra characters following label "/default.farm" are ignored Could any one explain what this means and how it can be resolved? The reference site was dow...
Hello. I'm using AEM Forms Designer 6.5. I have a multi-page form (16 pages). If I were to reset all the fields in page13 only, can this be done using Action Builder? I've looked at the options in Action Builder, the only choice I have is to Reset the entire form (all 16 pages). I don't want to...
Hi, is there a way for me to hide and show touch UI granite ui input field from my components based on a style system has been selected? if possible please sure.
We are running AEM on-premise and we are attempting to utilize the SAML 2.0 Auth Handler.I've gone through the steps in this article a few times, but cannot get a request to hit the handler and redirect to the IDP.Any request made to the AEM Author VM goes to the local granite authenticati...
Hi There, I am including text component using slightly in for loop<div class="cmp-logo__item" v-if="logoList.length" v-for="(logo, index) in logoList"> <div class="testclass" data-sly-resource="${'title' @resourceType='constellar-core/components/title'}"></div></div> but when text component render o...
Hi We would like to use a provided design system in our AEM components like the spectrum Design System of Adobe (https://opensource.adobe.com/spectrum-web-components/).I achieved to include webcomponents via a CDN (example include Ioinic webcomponent with properties from the dialog) <script src="htt...