Hello, I am trying to update a variable in a Workflow using ECMA script. The script is very simple: var workflowItemData = workItem.getWorkflowData(); var workflowData = workItem.getWorkflow().getWorkflowData(); if (workflowItemData.getPayloadType() == "JCR_PATH") { var path = workflowItemData....
I have a scenario where I have 50-100 news pages now I want to create news listing component with the server side pagination using servlet or sling model with the limit of 10 news. I want to know can I achieve this if have any example of code. It would be great. Thanks
Developing Sites with the Front-End Pipeline document mentions that it is possible to set NodeJS version to 12 or 16 using pipeline variable CM_CUSTOM_VAR_NODE_VERSION. However, it does not mention which value should be used. I tried setting this variable to 16 and 16.20.0, but neither worked, pipel...
Hi, . In Virtual Host we have added below line. so when we hit like /content/dam/site/abc.pdf . It matches and set Header as below.<LocationMatch "\.(?i:pdf)$">ForceType application/pdfHeader set Content-Disposition inline</LocationMatch> Requirement: If URL is having a selector lets say "pdfdownloa...
Hi, I am new to AEM development.I have a sling servlet with the below code and I am trying to read a page property. This code snippet works in Author mode, but not in the publisher. ResourceResolver resourceResolver = request.getResourceResolver();PageManager pageManager = resourceResolver.adaptTo(P...
I am trying to retrieve the page details using groovy script. I need to get replication status from those details but, the cq:lastReplicationAction is not available for the page in the jcr content.What is the way to achieve this. A code snippet will be really helpful.
In RTE I have one scenario where in ParaformatI want to add class name="para" when the Paragraph is selected, <p class="para">TEXT</p>when Quote is selected <quote class="quotations">How can we do that in RTE?
Getting below error when JUnit executed for a model. Is this issue to do with this plugin? <plugin> <groupId>biz.aQute.bnd</groupId> <artifactId>bnd-maven-plugin</artifactId> <executions> <execution> ...
Hello TEAM, Current Behavior :After several deployment to AEM instance, Sling has an issue to render any component as a result site looks blank.Expected behavior/code Stable AEM instance after every deployment.Environment Details: AEM 6.5.13Core Components version 2.20.8openjdk version "11.0.19" 202...