Hi Team,I have a requirement, I have to show a different piece of HTML if it's dev, and if it's prod I have to show other HTML.how we can achieve this in sightly or in sling model. arunpatidar lukasz-mTanika02 rawvarun aanchal-sikka
In my content fragment RTE field, it seems each list item has an extra new line. The JSON content returned for the above is:<p>Checking list content behaviour.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>list1</li>\n<li>list2</li>\n<li>list3</li>\n</ul>\n I don't see any option to remove these extra new lines in the RTE fiel...
Hello all, Scenario: If I want to create a feature in AEM application, which has: End user can upload pdf/docs/image file. Later, user can download the file. How can I implement such feature in AEM? 1: Use of MongoDB to save the file?2: DAM folder3: If application is hosted in AWS env. (AEM applica...
I have a requirement to1. populate the drop down values in dialog box. 2. Value are coming from other component "A" authored in different page "PageA" What i have implemented 1. Add a pathbrowser to get the page path of "PageA" 2. Save the dialog. 3. Reopen the dialog, the value in dropdown is pop...
Hi, I am new to content fragment and facing a problem on AEM cloud trial version. I am trying to create a content fragment modal on cloud but when I am trying to author it I cannot see content fragment in start screen. Please find the screenshot below.
I have an asset in /content/dam/myproject/<assetFile> the hierarchy being :I will get the path of the image from dialog and I have injected the same in the sling model.@inject private String imagePath My ultimate aim is to traverse to the metadata node and get a certain property from there. Can some...
Hello everyone,after the upgrade to the current Service Pack, we are getting the following error on startup. It references the org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLRelation class, so I think it regards the OSGi bundle wrapper for the Apache POI library (com.adobe.granite.poi). This we actually use in our appl...
Hello, I am using image v3 component for one of the use case. Now, I have dynamic media enabled and when I drag an assets to this component. I can see the smart crop option enabled in the image component dialog. I have selected 'Auto' rendition in this dropdown but while rendering this asset in brow...
I am trying to push changes in yaml file for AC Tool from git repo to aem rde instance.the build is stable and compiling on local successfully. the changes in yaml are reflecting fine on local.when i use the aio:aem:install to push all module's target zip it is uploading correctly. in packmgr at rde...
I'm trying to execute curl command to upload a package in higher environments in AEMaaCS by passing Basic Auth.List of common AEM cURL commands | Adobe Experience CloudBut it throws an error : 503client read error I'm passing user credentials as Basic Authentication. No issue related to permissi...