Hi Guys ,I have one excel file with 1000 records like the one I have attached above where i have to bulk update the tags from old name to new name . Is there any OOTB feature or optimized way to do the same in AEM. @kautuk_sahni @arunpatidar @lukasz-m @shubhanshu_singh
I want to add image upload option on text component. I am adding two propeties for show image upload option in rtePlugin but it's not worked <image jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" features="*"/> Here down is my full codel of context.xml which is located under cq:dilog of text compo...
Hi All, We are trying to include acs-commons latest version 6.0.14 but we are getting errors while building the package ( AEM cloud service) Error: SNAPSHOT: com.adobe.acs:acs-aem-commons-content:zip:min:6.0.14 was not found in https://repo.adobe.com/nexus/content/groups/public during a previous a...
We are not getting sorted list according to modified column on click of modified column in list view of sites.html due to below reasons,cq:lastModified property is not available/removed for few pages.cq:lastModified property miss formatted with date(2018-10-18) for few pages and for other pages date...
Scenario.I can have 1 or more primary tasks.and 1 primary task can have 1 or more secondary tasks.Both primary and secondary tasks are multifield (granite/ui/components/coral/foundation/form/multifield).Screenshot explanation:The primary task dropdown list has been entered via the "Primary Task" tab...
I have a navigation component which is core component. I've extended it by adding one pathfield for displaying logo. The logo changes are showing in navigation component's model.json but the changes are not in hompage's model.jsonpublic interface ProfileModel extends Navigation {public String getNa...
This is for a component dialog (and not a rendered page). An content author will be configuring this.-------------------------might be best explain with an example: I have a dropdown list for product items (example: the list contains all the model numbers Bose QuietComfort series). If I select QC25 ...
Hi, i am trying to get a subtotal of a page and a total at the end of a 100 lines table. I've tried using this: The total sum i would get with sum(....). But the for the Subtotal sum i need the pagecontent to get the subtotal at every Page until the last page, where i need the total. How can i reali...
Hello All, I have 2 checkboxes, if either of my checkbox is true, I should show same set of fields. I have tried using granite:class by giving space separated 2 classes but no luck. Does anyone have any idea what I'm missing here. Thanks in Advance!