Hi I want to customize the image map fields in image component. How can I acheive this. I was not able to find any js which brings up this image map tools dialog. Any help will be very much appreciated ThanksVeena
I have a page www.abcd.com/xyz.html .In the page properties of this page,the following vanity URL's are set :dealsintelligencedealsbusinessintelligencewww.abcd.com/deals is an external redirect which gets redirected to www.pqrs.com. This external redirect is configured as a 301 rewrite rule in the d...
Hi,I would like to have more Node Types in Workflow Launcher configuration. Particularly in Event Type: removed.How to add more node types in Workflow Launcher?Thanks.Vikram
Aloha, I am trying to scan a document into my computer and have it saved in a PDF file. But I need to make some edits in the words and then save my changes to a word document. So the screen was suggested that I join and become a member for $1.99 per month and pay for the entire ye...
I am trying to add multiple selectors while using data-sly-resource. Code used ::<div data-sly-resource="${currentPage.path @selectors=['form', 's1', 's2']}"></div>It throws ClassCastExceptionjava.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to java.lang.StringIts working fine with si...
We have upgraded our test server instances to 5.6.1. A couple of JSPs that use classes in a jar file we include in our content package are failing with a NoClassDefFoundError, as though they weren't loaded by Felix.Felix, however, does show the jar as fully active. This does not happen in our local ...
Whats the easiest (and more reliable/repeatable) way of removing all parts of an application from AEM. I mean, everything under apps, content, etc, var, ...I find myself doing this quite a lot recently (while I'm developing some dev tooling) and typically I do something like :-Uninstall and delete p...
How to read the null property array value?Example:Property type Valuearea String[] My requirement is i want to read the property which has a value as NULLPlease help me out to fix the issue.Thanks!MIke
hi i am very new to this technology can you please guide me from where i have to start learning AEM , i just complete the artice how to create fully featurwed website