Hello,I authenticate my website with an external Identity- Provider (IdP) and I am using the SAML- Protocol.The process is that if a URL is invoked, a redirect is done to the IdP (HTTP-GET), if authentication was successful, IdP does a redirect to AEM 5.6 (HTTP-POST).And for any reason I run into an...
I have created a custom node /content/resources which is a Page It has child nodes like /content/resources/1/content/resources/2/content/resources/..... Point1:- Now I need a way to block the page from public access http://<hostname>//content/resources.html and also block the child pages or nod...
Hi ,I create a custom component "My button" with some clientlib css .in author instance(http://localhost:4502/cf#/content/training-page-3.html) ,it looks good:[img]tt.png[/img][img]t.png[/img]but when I publish the page (http://localhost:4503/content/training-page-3.html),this component comes out wi...
Hi,Whenevr I login, I am redirected to /favicon.ico page though the home page is configred as /welcome.html.I am also getting a blank - authentication failed error. Regards,Shallu Rohilla
Hi All, I am currently exploring the native eCommerce client which is part of OOTB AEM.While exploring this and mapping its functionality against client requirements I have some queries. We are planning for the following:- 1). PIM database to be maintained within AEM. 2). Inventory is maintained in ...
Hi, I would like to know how to extend/customize the language list defaultly provided at "/libs/wcm/core/resources/languages" in AEM 6.0.I have created the same structure under apps as "/apps/wcm/core/resources/languages" and added new languages like Telugu,Tamil,Kannada etc which are supported ...
Hi Folks,Thanks in anticipation.I am working on South African network, my objective is to pull the profile details from facebook and twitter, so I have created the appId in both facebook and twitter, then configured in AEM cloud services.I am able to pull the facebook profile details with Indian net...
Hi All,I need to find the activated version among all the version available in sidekick.My requirement is, I have to find the activated version and add the another field as status in sidekick and mark the status as new.Could you please show me the right path how to achieve.Thanks in Advance,Mike
Hi, What is the difference between a Widget and a Component. For ex:- "text" component is using a widget called "componentStyle". Why a component shd. use Widget? What is the speciality of a Widget? In what technology a Widget can be created? Is ExtJs is the prime technology th...
Hi,I have a blog overview page. say it is http://<hostname>/content/campaigns/siteName/blogoverview.htmlNow I have to get an newsletter for it say http://<hostname>/content/campaigns/siteName/newsletter Can some one give me pointers as how could i develop it and what all changes i might have to do....