Is there a way to trigger workflow on rollout, but after the rollout is complete?, thus delay my workflow untill rollout is completely done.? I see that my workflow runs for every chapter and path, which is not what it should be. I would want the rollout complete, generate new site Test2 with langua...
Hi, I have followed the article: to store the data in JCR repository in my local set up. bundle is active and when i open the page i am getting some below error(errors are in attachment).I am not able to debug and fix...
Hi,I want to process Servlet without the "sling.servlet.selectors", e.g. process the request with an empty selector.Here is my current code that works with selector.@Component(immediate = true, metatype = false) @Service(value = javax.servlet.Servlet.class) @Properties({ @Property(name = Constants.S...
In an OR step for a workflow, I need to know the initiator user to decide if the route should be true or false, based on user roles.In a workflow step, I can do this:public void execute(WorkItem workItem, WorkflowSession workflowSession, MetaDataMap args) throws WorkflowException { … UserManager use...
Hi,I tried to extract a jar file, it is giving errors
Hello,Is there a way to extract text (Texts) from a page say from a filter sling:resourceType as foundation/components/text, OOTB? If not any pointers how i could achieve the same? Could i have a workflow to be triggered for extracting texts from all the text components on the page.Once done i want ...
I ran a JCR query by going to CRXDE Lite and get the results I want. Is there a way to extract or save the result set from the query into either text or excel file?
I created an osgi bundle using CQ5.5 that would use sling scheduler to add a job to run at midnight everyday. We recently did an update to CQ5.6.1 which included the scr code and install jar, however the bundle appears to not run the activate method with my code. I've tried stopping, restart, an u...
I have a workflow setup where a user submits a page for review/approval. The approver needs to be able to terminate/end the workflow and send a notification email to the initiator (NOT assign the workflow back to the initiator - it needs to end altogether) with a comment on why they terminated the f...
Hi, I want to render a content page for a given user. (the user is not logged in and only userID is available) My approach was to use a servlet which does the following stepslogin as adminimpersonate user (using userID)send redirect It is possible to get a Session object using SlingRepository.login...