I have a document with name 'test' which have uuid as 03dc83f9-c9b4-4827-9994-04e7a77c4045 but when I replace document with other document having same name its uuid is change to 4f76908f-c00a-479b-95fa-ce2dba99226c .Is there any way to retain same uuid since I am using document uuid in other applica...
I was exploring Adobe's Contentfragmentlist and came across an implementation below,https://wcmauthorguide.illinois.gov/templates-and-components/content-fragments/list-content-fragment.htmlDoes the OOTB configuration support linking to pages, assets etc, or should that be a customisation? Upon revie...
We are using the Page Lock/Unlocked and Assets Checkout/Checking functionality in our workflow. As per the Implementation Checkout is working as expected but Checkin in not working. Using the below method. Has anyone faced this issue. CheckoutassetCheckoutService.checkOut(asset);CheckingassetChec...
Hello Team, We're on 6.5.14, We have content fragments like news/articles, as part of authoring, authors associcate the assets like images or tags to CFs. And to publish these CFs we use custom workflow for approval. CFs is publishing fine after approval but the assoicated assets like images / tags ...
Hi Team, I have parent node '/content/example/en_us' which has jcr:primaryType of value 'cq:Page'. It is published using Please read the update at the end of this question.replicator.replicate(session, ReplicationActionType.ACTIVATE, paths, replicationOptions); Here are the replication options:repl...
I've created a Repoinit script using an OSGi Service Factory Configuration. I've successfully deployed the OSGi configuration containing the Repoinit script and I can see it under /system/console/configMgr, but the rep:policy isn't created in the DAM as expected. Can someone please provide guidance?...
On our project we are seeing an issue with Image core component - v3, that on edit of the component, we do not see the dialog box popup. We can add an image but dialog does not show. The same is also reproduceable on a Wknd site ( https://github.com/adobe/aem-guides-wknd/tree/aem-guides-wknd-3.2.0 )...
We have a number of Outlook .oft files in Assets that we want accessible from links in pages. The browser is displaying a blank page with no source and does not offer a download option. We are seeing a 200 so we know the request is successful.In Web Console/Apache Sling Commons Mime Type Service we ...
Is there a current best practice to create content fragments programmatically AEM Headless (using React)?Would it be through the Assets API? Anything to take into account? i assume it would be similar to here:https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-65/content/assets/extending/asse...
My goal is to write a custom code/query which will fetch and show the components that were changed/modified and if any new component has been added or if an existing component has been deleted for a certain page for a selected date range. Any ideas/suggestions with any possible code snippet is highl...