Hello,This may be a silly question, but I am having trouble determining if the Adaptive Forms Core Components can be used without using AEM Forms, just based on the documentation. I have been reviewing this documentation: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-core-components/usi...
I am trying to invalidate dispatcher cache from author via SCD request as mentioned in this URL.https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-cloud-service/content/implementing/content-delivery/caching.html#sling-distributionWhen I try this code. I am unable to find enumDistributionRequ...
We've set up smart tagging on our AEM development environment. The smart tags are working, however I see that we have to manually delete smart tags under "Manage Tags" that don't apply. Is there a way to train Sensei to not to apply these tags to future images after we remove them?
Hi Team, I'm trying to add video through javascript videoViewer instead of Dunamic media something like this,var s7videoviewer = new s7viewers.VideoViewer({ "containerId": "video-pc", "params": { "serverurl": "https://s7d9.scene7.com/is/image/", "c...
I want to add a filter rule that allows urls of a certain /path that also end with .cfm.gql.json In this case, the extension is json, and the selectors are cfm and gql. The issue is that I'm not sure how to how to check that both selectors are in the url, I only know how to check if one of them is i...
I am trying to include client library using Sightly using below code. <sly data-sly-use.clientLib="${'/libs/granite/sightly/templates/clientlib.html'}"></sly> <sly data-sly-call="${clientLib.js @ categories='hero-platform'}"></sly>This code works but it is including the client library without it's...
Hi, We have a requirement for creating pages in Hebrew and authoring dialogs in Hebrew language. What all changes we need to support this. or can anyone share any documentation link as I didn't find any documentation on this.
Hi,I have a script that cleanup the moved tags on assets and pages.How to write junit test methods for this service implementation. I have a dropdown which has 2 values(assest(AS),pages(PG))How to write JUNIT TEST Method package com.yc-demo.aem.scripts.core.cleanupmovedtags;import com.yc-demo.aem.ac...
I've setup AEMasCloud local SDK in my local and when I try to create new Content Fragment model, I don't see Create button option. I've logged in as admin. Please advise if this is something to do with permissions or I'm missing something here. CF model screen:
Hello Friends, We are trying to integrate CloudFlare CDN with AEM as a Cloud Service following the documentation provided[1]. The documentation says that we should override the host header in the CDN and point it to the publish AEM domain. In the CloudFlare Business version, there is no option to ov...