Does anyone know if AEM can lock the user account after certain failed login attempts? It seems that we can brute force attack against user accounts with OOTB setting?
Re:'m creating an event handler which will run a workflow on some XML files when they are uploaded to the folder. Now I want thisto run automatically, so I got the basic lay out of the event handler working perfectly. However I want to ru...
I want to implement Free Text search using remote Solr server with AEM 6.I have done the configurations as advised here.Now I want to demonstrate search using this remote solr server.I have created a search component for this.I have attached the code, pls let me know if this is correct way of conne...
In multiple places on different Servlets setAttribute("nameOfTheAttribute", "value") is used. Recently, on one of the Publish instances when we call ${nameOfTheAttribute} publisher returned empty value.Does CQ5 has config property that disallows setting attributes on SlingHttpServletRequest ?Thanks,...
Hi All,My application connects to database to get some data. Currently DB connection parameters and passwords are configured through felix console.Now the problem is anyone who has access to felix console can see the password for the DB. How do I prevent this? What is the best way of configuring the...
Hi,Could someone provide details about "replication-receiver" OOTB user?1. What this user used for?2. How it should affect on AEM if I delete this user at all? I've found a note ( replication user should also not b...
Hi,I am trying to integrate Salesforce with AEM 6.0 as per this link: I am getting this error:18.03.2015 12:01:40.181 *ERROR* [JobHandler: /etc/workflow/instances/2015-03-18/model_163017207920287:/hom...
Hi , I'm trying to achieve dynamic navigation , where in author can specify depth level and navigation automatically builds up to that depth level .I'm trying to achieve this use case using sightly . I have achieved the dynamic navigation using data-sly-template and works fine , something like b...
We are running AEM version 5.6.1 and want to utilize the Blog and Community functionality. However, this doesn't appear to be enabled in our environment.When creating a new page in an existing site, there is no option to select Blog Template, as indicated here: