1) This link https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/deploy/communities/topologies.html refers communities/topologies rather is there any separate deployment link for AEM site/topologies which has site content & user generated in the same site and rather UGC seen as AEM communities ?Does the Social ...
I would like to extend the multifield component (/libs/granite/ui/components/foundation/form/multifield) in other to add a maximum items limit.Do you have any documentation or example about extending these components?
when adding captcha component user could manipulate the captcha values as per the below .Could you please provide more inputs as how this could be avoid so that captcha value comes from server instead of UI value< sling:include path="<%= captchaPath %>" resourceType="foundation/components/form/cap...
My team is having problems regarding the color picker (/libs/granite/ui/components/foundation/form/colorpicker) using AEM 6.1 in the touch ui.We can't add properties: editMode and freestylePallete.The jsp rendering the the colorpicker sends the settings in an object called "modes", but the js file u...
Hi,now my component reads its annotation properties with the activation function.I need to have a property shared by two components.Can i read the property of another component inside the activation function?Thanks
Hi,can we use adobe granite SSO authentication handler to implement SSO for the web sites based out of AEM? if yes, can you please provide steps. Is it possible to use adobe granite SSO authentication handler for the custom forms for the websites based out AEM? if yes, please provide the steps??
Hi,I have 2 arrays question is multiitem and answer which is multi item againI wanted to display answer under the question. I am trying to access question by index so that I can fetch corresponding answerHow can I do that with sightly?<ul data-sly-list="${properties.question}"> <li>${ [ item ]}</li...
Hi,This is an edited post (which had made earlier). Into an existing dialog (with multi Tabs) I have added a new tab as part of an enhancement.The below code shows a part of the "multicompositefield" which have in the new Tab..............................................................................