I need to take AEM 6.1 back-up but I don't wanna take it neither by their default Tools->Operations->Backup system nor via curl create a script to automate. I need to create a configuration file with cron job added property so it by default take back-up after a certain period of time. I followed a b...
Hi I am new for Adobe Experience Manager and I am currently trying to get IMEI Number using android phonegap environment in AEM. But not getting.Could you please provide proper information to get IMIE Number using android phonegap environment in AEM . Thanks in advance . Thanks,Jayaram
Hi Team,I have to arrange radio buttons(3 radio buttons) horizontally in CQ dialog. How to do it?I have added these buttons in dialog but showing vertically. Please help if anyone know how to achieve it. I have attached snapshot of the readiobuttons what is currently on CQ dialog. Thanks,Pradeep
Hi Team Members, I tried to create a component and it worked well too. My problem here is Side Kick is not displaying the default components which is empty.Even I tried to add manually but once I refresh the page its gone. So kindly provide your valuable suggestions. Kindly correct me if am wrong as...
It appears from a support ticket that I opened, that in AEM 6.2 installing a server with the runmode of 'nosamplecontent' also forces the 'productionready' stuff, including disabling crx/de.If I'm understanding this correctly, there is now no way to build out a development environment without all th...
I'm trying to build my AEM project with maven but keep hitting this error on the compile-jsp stepHere's the error:[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.sling:maven-jspc-plugin:2.0.8:jspc (compile-jsp) on project some-app: Unable to compile class for JSP: [ERROR] An error occurred at line: 14 in ...
Hi ,We are trying to integrate AEM 6.1 and Hybris 5.7 as per the documentation provided in the link (https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-1/administer/ecommerce/hybris.html). (Eventhough it is mentioned in the documentation that AEM 6.1 supports till Hybris 5.4, We are trying this by changing Hybris...
Hi All,How to use OR operator for two different values of a JCR property?Please help me with the syntax.I want to get the results with two different values for cq:template property.Thanks,Kishore
Hi,I have a requirement like below,I need to find the assets associcate with specific workflowto achieve this one way isI can get all the active com.adobe.granite.workflow.exec.WorkItem[] workItems from the workflowSession then iterate each one and compare with the workflowidthis may cause the perf...
I've inherited this project but I'm having a lot of issues. I've imported into Eclipse but I'm these errors.[img]http://i.imgur.com/piUEvCU.png[/img]Not sure how to proceed.