When attempting to follow along with the Back-end Developer Workshop video: "Using the AEM Eclipse Plug-in", I get errors that I don't see represented in the video.First I create a project.Next I choose the archetypeThen I set up my properties like they are in the videoThen I start up my server and ...
Hi Experts, In one of our environments we cleared the clientlibs cache by using "Invalidate Cache" inhttp://localhost:4502/libs/granite/ui/content/dumplibs.rebuild.html.This deleted the var/clientlibs folder. Now clientlibs are not at all loading and the var/clientlibs folder didnt get created agai...
Hi,Would like to disabled sling scheduler on author instance. We have unchecked the check box but still its running. How to disabled on author. Below is code for configuration. @Component(immediate = true, label = "Aadhaar Seeding Schedular for IndisInd Bank", description = "Aadhaar Seeding Schedul...
Our assets library keeps growing in size and we need to figure out a way of finding all unused assets , then archive / delete them.Has anyone solved this in aem 5.6?thanks
I a trying to connect to a Oracle DB using java code in an AEM application. For that I have configured everything in connections pool in OSGI console and I am trying to get the appropriate data soure using java code. Below are the details:package com.pnc.main.businessddaapp.dao.datasource.impl; impo...
I'm working to create a ticket for our AEM developer.We need a live character counter on the title and meta description field in Page Properties. We don't want to set a hard limit on the page title and meta description length, however, we want to remind AEM authors that Google and most search engine...
Is there any way to get the JCR content of the node names without OSGI classes. only via the Javascript frameworks like angular JS. Am looking for a solution to build a Top Navigation for an website without any OSGI Classes and retrieve the Page names and its properties and use them.
Hi,For AEM 6.1 running in the publish mode:To install AEM-6.1-COMMUNITIES-FEATURE-PACK-4 package, does it requires the SP1 or not ?Refer the issue while installing this package:http://tinyurl.com/j4edrr3
Hello,I would appreciate any help on this request. Is there a way to cache pages (files) that use tags. for example:examples:https://www.xxx.com/blog/abc.html/category/etc/tags/hello-world/this-is-me thanksAB