while implementing Angular 2 we have encountered a road block with respect to its compatibility with Sightly. While we have enough case studies & credentials to prove that Angular 1.x is easily integrated AEM 6.x, I wasn't able to locate anything for Angular 2 integration except for the knowledge a...
Hi,I need to a image picker component, similar to color picker.Please let me know do we have any sample component to refer? any idea on how to display small image icons on a dialog.Regards,Gowrishankar
I used: <div data-sly-resource="${'image' @resourceType='foundation/components/image'}"></div>It has generated "cq-dd-image" class, how to add custom classes to this component?
can we set max length for text RTE.??I did found few solutions online stating that we can adding property directly asfunction(field){var temp=this.getValue(); if(temp.length>500){ this.markInvalid("Description should not e...
Hi All,How can I use Externalizer in JavaScript Use API, I can easily use it using Java API. But I need this in JavaScript Use API to add canonical tag in head section of pages for SEO purpose.-Thanks,Raghava
I would like to execute a piece of code with all dam asset resources. How can I achieve this just like we do with a cq:Page? Any suggestions appreciated Thanks Sanjay
I currently have navigation component that I need to split into three navigation sections. Unfortunately, the properties from the dialog will still be used in all sections. Is there anyway I can pull the properties from one component in another? I would like to avoid having duplicate dialogs.
Hi, everyone.I'm aware:I can use either the Targeting mode (Touch UI) or the Target menu (cq:disableTargeting="false" - Classic UI) to configure a component with specific values to a particular segment;This is supposed to work for campaigns created with either Adobe Target or ContextHub as engine.Bu...