Does anyone have experience integrating AEM with Prometheus JMX Exporter (GitHub - prometheus/jmx_exporter: A process for exposing JMX Beans via HTTP for Prometheus consumption)?I am trying to setup a monitoring/alerting system in place for some of the key metrics such as replication queues etc.
The documentation here - Smart Tags - indicates that it should be possible once Smart Tags are configured to start a workflow named "DAM Smart Tags Assets". I don't see that as an available workflow, though. What did I do wrong? I followed this documentation. Configuring Smart Tags Cloud Service
When we publish a new Community Group, using the Group Function of communities it typically will generate 3 permission groups - members, privileged members, and moderators. These are supposed to be created on the publish instance. In all of our test environments this is working correctly, but when...
I have created a clientlib and I have included it within the apps->projectname->components->component->clientlibs. As per adobe recommendation I have added allowproxy=true property so that its not exposed directly from the apps folder. When I load the clientlibs its loading from etc.clientlibs and i...
Hi All,Here's my requirement.I have a component which is invoking the servlet via an Ajax call.I would like to get the path of this component's instance under the page in the servlet.If test is the page and comp1, comp2 are the instances of the same component dragged and dropped twice in the parsys...
Hi All,Actually we have a group(Authors) that having 600+ users/Members .Sometimes its truncating Users unfortunately after adding users also its happening .Can any one suggest me to overcome this Suggested below solution its works for temp solution or is there any permanent solution?Everyt...
I am getting the below errors on AEM 6.1 author instance, 30.01.2018 07:19:52.640 *WARN* [qtp2102344124-8253] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.query.Cursors$TraversingCursor Traversed 100000 nodes with filter Filter(query=select h.[jcr:path] as [jcr:path], h.[jcr:score] as [jcr:score], h.* from [nt:ba...
Hi team - We are using wcm core components in our application, however if we spin up the publish instances with "nosamplecontent" the packages related to core components are not getting installed. Is it the recommendation from Adobe ? If that is the case should we explicitly add the packages in publ...
I have got the session from the repository login (using username and password), now how to access the profile of the user from the session(/home/users/username/profile). In the end, I need user properties. The request could not be adopted to user properties since its still pointing to the anonymous ...
Hi All, I am planning to give AEM 6 Business Practitioner certification. Can some one please provide some insights or any study material for preparing for this certification.Thanks,Swapna