I have a requirement where I need to create a two-column component in react AEM SPA, but i am not able to get the parsys from the react code, can anyone please share the code or tell the class which we need to use to display the parsys using react js.
AEM 6.5 has two OSGi bundles (A and B). A = org.apache.sling.scripting.jspB = org.apache.sling.scripting.jsp-api My project bundle has a Java class that uses:import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext; I want this imported package to use OSGI bundle A, not B. In AEM 6.4, this was our imported packages l...
Are there any guidelines on what kind of data store configuration (shared between publish instances, shared between author and publish, no sharing at all) is best for majority of the cases?I've read in a no. of places that a store shared between author and publish may be the best choice because of t...
Hello, Do the AEM author, publish and dispatcher expose any endpoints to do things like register a replication agent automatically? If not, where would the data be kept so that a script could manage a new publish or dispatcher agent being added? Many thanksDon
We are currently using SPA(AEM+react application) in 6.4.3, we had a requirement to use the OOTB/Custom non-spa components in the project to the existing SPA maven archetype, idea is to create a page with OOTB or custom non-spa component, what should we do to achieve this functionality ? Do we need ...
Hi, I am new to AEM and need suggestions. We have a requirement where i have to post each notifications in the inbox /libs/cq/workflow/content/inbox/list.json to mulesoft runtime via rest api. I thought of below:Write a custom maven project and deploy on AEM as packageEdit existing workflows to add ...
Hello, I need to setup a group and its permissions within AEM, so it has read only access to assets at /content/dam/*, the ability to create collections, and assign assets to collections. I created a user group, ABCGroup, and I added the following permissions. I added read-only permissions to /cont...