I'm getting troubles using the experience fragment component.If I use the default component provided by Adobe, the component works fine but I can't use the Style System, so I decided to build a custom experience fragment that inherit the sling:resourceSuperType from /libs/cq/experience-fragments/co...
Hi guys! The Adobe public repo (http://repo.adobe.com/) isn't accessible since yesterday (04.Feb.2020).Could you please address the problem or provide an ETA when it will be resolved? Thank you!
its fairly simple to get the pages under a particular location but i want to get those pages last modified date as well via AEM query.Any idea for the same ??
Hi,As per this https://github.com/arunpatidar02/aem63app-repo/blob/master/java/TestEventHandler.java Event filter is added , I have added the event filter to replication.actiate type.But due to the mistake in event filter replication.activate is not triggering.If I remov the event filter it is worki...
I need to set the href value depending on the nullity of sling:vanityPath. The hit.properties.sling:vanityPath returns the string value for sling:vanityPath property. I need to append a '/' before the hit.properties.sling:vanityPath value. Is it possible to do that in the following code or do I have...
Hi all, We have a requirement of creating multiple CUG groups for different content hierarchies.When configured, once a non-logged in user tries to access a restricted page from a particular hierarchy, we see the login page.Now the user logs in with certain access as per the CUG group membership.If ...
Hi There, I am currently working on dropdown/Select in AEM 6.5, I want to limit the number of selected options , the user must only select certain maximum number of options say 2 or 3 options and the field must be disabled unless they remove the previously selected option. Thanks,
Details: In author mode, when I have created a scheduled workflow, the following alert appears in a blue ribbon: This page is subject to the workflow Scheduled Page/Asset Activation. The issue is the ribbon never goes away ie post publish. Appearing before publishing is good as it lets other authors...
Hello All, I am trying to follow https://helpx.adobe.com/experience-manager/using/creating-touchui-dynamic.html and able to get the dynamic dropdown. However if I want to have a second dropdown value as selected I am unable to do so. Am I missing something? I am trying followingDataSource ds = new S...
Hi All,In the Java code shown below , what should serviceParams be set to , or how should serviceParams be set up , to allow access to getModels() or getAllWorkflows() ?Thank you for your time. resourceResolver = resourceResolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver(serviceParams);session = resourceRes...