Hello Community - We have a requirement to add some additional tags (highlighted below) as part of href link. Currently we have an plugin/option in Rich Text Editor to specify the target/href url and target (self/blank). We don't need to show the highlighted attributes/options in the plugin UI for a...
Hello, We plan to move to AEM as a Cloud Service and have been advised that Reverse Replication doesn't work on it.We are currently using the feature for some UGC as we have some moderation in place.There are no plans to buy the Community license so I am looking at some other alternatives possible. ...
Hi all, We are in AEM 6.5.4 with Dispatcher 4.3.2. We are having mulitple sites and maintaining seperate vhost file for each site. Infront of our sites we have CDN. For TTL, we added below settings in vhost files and we are getting cache-control:max-age=1200 in response headers for all sites except...
There is a requirement in our project where i have to check if the current page path contains a specific text or not. How to write sightly code for this. for ex:- <sly data-sly-test.pagepath=${currentPage.path}/> this will returns path as "/content/project/ab/cd/home/" now i want to check if it has ...
Hi Team Recently we have installed in our env, after installing SP, the workflows are starting and in the first step itself they are halting. we verified in error log file , but no error found regarding this.can anyone help me in this.
To make a OSGI factory configuration, provided factory = true using R6 annotations and was able to create factory configs, but when uploaded the configs via xmls using a unique identifier, that identifier is not picked in the display name. For example config.xml's name is "com.x.y.z.someserviceimpl...
Hello, I have a requirement to search any content inside all the pages of a website. I have written a query like SELECT * FROM [cq:PageContent] AS content WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE('/content/pathoftheproject') and contains(content.*, 'search_keyword') This query is searching for a keyword which is with...