I can't load any page in the editor. AEM is complaining in my browser console that a component doesn't exist. That component is from a previous AEM installation. Why does my new installation still have a reference to this old component? granite.js:234 GET http://localhost:4502/content/connectapp/en/...
Does AEM have the capability to store a list of PDF documents that a web page can fetch for viewing? I am trying to workaround Sharepoint by storing PDF files in AEM. My users need the ability to download these files and view them from a web page. Is this possible? I can't seem to find any info...
Hi AEM folks,We are setting up AEM SFDC Cloud configuration on our higher environments. We have already done it for the author instance as we have access to the cloud configuration on author mode but whereas we don't have access to publisher cloud configuration on our higher environments what should...
as above.I just want 1 copy of the file in my code base.As additional info:the 6.5 author and publisher are sandbox instances setup for us by AMS so we can test our code before we upgrade to 6.5.x.----------------------6.5 authorI placed the XML file inside ui.apps/src/main/content/jcr_root/apps/mys...
Hi there, With my Local instance, I'm having an issue accessing components via the dropdown menu/ filter. My understanding is that the permissions that are set via the AC Tool control what a user can/ can't see regarding components. Any suggestions on where to look/ target so this issue can be resol...
HI,I need to create a JDBC configuration dynamically like build time. This can be using either OSGI config API or properties etc..Any help would be appreciated. # Configuration created by Apache Sling JCR Installerjdbc.password="XYZZZ"jdbc.driver.class="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver...
Hi Guys,I have a classic UI component that contains selection xtype (dropdown). I'm using AEM 6.4.3 in my local and the dropdown is working fine. But, In dev/qa/prod whenever we click the edit button, the component dialog gets open and the dropdown field gets open without clicking the dropdown field...
I want to list details of all content fragment models present in conf folder. if anybody can help me the loop which i need to reach the content model nodes. That would be great